Our Collaborations



'Les mardis Gens d'affaires, Gens de coeur'

The project of “Les mardis Gens d’affaires, Gens de coeur” was born from a desire to take advantage of the H4C restaurant in order to create an event with philanthropic character. Evenings presented in collaboration with Le Fonds Richard Béliveau for the Chair of cancer prevention and treatment at Université du Québec à Montréal. A series of special evenings featuring a local business personality will be held at H4C.

During these evenings, the personality featured will participate in the preparation of the menu consisting partly of anti-cancer foods. The ticket price includes a gourmet meal, the wine pairings and a donation to the Foundation. To join this great cause, you can contact André-Anne Nolin, our Manager, at 514-316-7234.


The partners of the event

Fond Richard Béliveau | www.richardbeliveau.org

Chaire en prévention et traitement du cancer de l’UQAM | recherche.uqam.ca

Boulangeries Premiere Moisson | www.premieremoisson.com




Daily Suppliers

Fromagerie Atwater | www.fromagerieatwater.ca

Société Orignal | www.societe-orignal.com

Ferme Gaspor | www.gaspor.com

Boucherie Adélard Boulanger | www.boucherie-belanger.com

Ferme l’Envolée Sauvagine | Envolée Sauvagine - Facebook

Ferme la Canardière | La Canardière - Facebook

Poissonnerie Norref | norref.colabor.com

Poissonnerie La Mer | www.lamer.ca

Birri | www.birri.ca

Marc’s Mushrooms | Marc’s Mushrooms - Facebook

Les noix du marché | www.lesnoixdumarche.com

Les Jardiniers Du Chef | www.jardiniersduchef.com

Café Barista | www.cafebarista.ca

Camellia Sinensis | camellia-sinensis.com

Bière Brisset | bierebrisset.com

Trou du Diable | troududiable.com

Symbiose Vin & Cie | www.symbiose-vins.com

Vin Libre | www.vinlibre.ca